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India poised to be a Knowledge Economy with NEP2020

Writer's picture: Zacrey PartnersZacrey Partners

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"A welcome disruption in the education landscape in India that marks a fundamental shift from its archaic 1986 version"

India's National Education Policy- NEP 2020

On 29th July, 2020 India unveiled the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020).  The policy is a comprehensive framework for elementary education to higher education as well as vocational training in both rural and urban India that aims to transform India's education system by 2030. A welcome disruption in the education landscape in India that marks a fundamental shift from its archaic 1986 version. Less than a decade away, the lofty ambitions will require a multi-pronged approach akin to Finland. Finland has successfully blended the learning outcomes with socio-economic impact as it makes its way to the top on many macro-indices including productivity, happiness , self esteem, learning outcomes etc. Such a successful multi-pronged transformation, while long winded for certain economically weaker countries, will prove worthy of contextual reinterpretation. The key changes we celebrate and look forward to are: 

  1. Identity: Equity and Inclusion for persons of the 3rd gender, EWS, Special needs etc will no hopefully no longer be an afterthought.

  2. Structure : Enhanced government spending on the cradle to career approach with specifics frameworks envisioned from 0-3 and 3-8 will serve the needs of a burgeoning young demographic.

  3. Focus:  Foundations – Numeracy, Literacy and Outcomes blended with holistic play based strategies will usher in a new era.

  4. Methodology : Play ( experiential)+ technology (integrated) + Tech + Awareness ( self+ethics+etiquette)+holistic approach

  5. Teachers: Paradigm shift in teachers training and continuous development with CPD and stringent qualification requirements.

  6. Community: Public Private partners,  anganwadi cluster –will create a powerful shared knowledge community and economy.

To truly impact education as a country, we are hopeful that India policy makers will be able to address and incorporate our salient thoughts on NEP2020

  1. Teacher Burnout - The ability to attract, retain and retrain the best minds for teaching by inverting the traditional social pyramid, where teachers are given equity for the effort.

  2. Regulatory Framework - Whether the regulatory framework will successfully pivot from historically throttling innovation to being a formidable catalyst for innovation. 

  3. Technology: The flipside of overindulgence of technology

  4. Nature of Education - The Linear or organic narrative will determine the impact

In a rapidly changing VUCA *(volatile, unclear, complex and ambiguous) world, we at Zacrey Partners see education as a key lever to help people reach their full potential has never been more important. For more follow us : @zacreypartners / About the authors:  Georgi Jose CEO- Zacrey Georgi Jose is a hybrid design thinker and business leader that serves as Founder , CEO & Chief VUCA Warrior at Zacrey by constantly and ambitiously redefining the playbook of the company and what it means to win. A bold futurist at the intersection of business, design and technology, Georgi serves as a cross function catalyst for forward looking individuals and companies. As a curious polymath with a penchant for detail, big picture visioning and accelerated innovation,  Georgi enjoys choreographing strategic impact through a myriad of user experiences that range from affordable education for the masses to  multi-billion dollar mixed-used developments for UHNWI across Bahrain, KSA, Qatar, UAE, Morocco & India.  Nirmala Jose Director- Education, Zacrey Nirmala Jose through her work as a teacher, leader, educationalist and edupreneur spanning over 4 decades has constantly challenged the staple of conformity & standardisation in education by replacing it with her own value based education model. Having founded 3 schools and with several accolades under her belt including a Guinness Book of World Records, Nirmala has been hailed as a visionary change maker, a beacon of high quality affordable education and a harbinger of innovation in the world of education.  About Zacrey Partners: We are a VUCA business transformation consulting agency that champion  high-impact design and strategy solutions for individuals, organisations and governments. We architect the convergence of best ideas, best people and best practices from related industries to deliver our multi-disciplinary and often disruptive results to remain ahead of the curve. We are human centred, design empowered and technology driven catalysts of transformation that strive to be the vanguard of Industry 6.0 drivers such as education, environment and the creative economy. Follow us @zacreypartners


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